Saturday, October 19, 2024

KONG49 - Day Two

Another pleasant day with mild temperatures of 9-10 degrees Celsius and minimal wind. The overnight recordings were unremarkable; only the most robust dominant signals from North America were detectable. Furthermore, a new noise issue is obscuring the weaker signals. Details on this will follow. Additionally, there were two M-class solar flares recently, which really did not do us any good.

Conditions towards Asia in the afternoon were extremely poor.

I've previously mentioned our need to vacate Mount Loran, the site of an old Loran C transmitter. Over the past few years, I've been searching for a suitable alternative location. Today, we investigated the most promising option. It appears we've found it and have dubbed it Loran D. We're scheduled to conduct a test there on Sunday. The location allows for the installation of a 946-meter beverage antenna oriented at 312 degrees, compared to Mount Loran's 306 degrees. The path mainly covers lossy terrain, but both the start and end points are heavily saturated with water, promising excellent grounding. In theory, this should be the perfect solution..

Here is where Loran D starts

Additionally, the initial setup area with all the equipment (PC, Perseus, GPS, modem, etc.) is out of sight, which is advantageous.

Thus, a portion of the afternoon was dedicated to assembling the required equipment: PC, Perseus, modem, GPS, and an SSD, followed by conducting test runs.

For dinner, we began with cured meats and beers. The main dish consisted of fried salmon seasoned with red chili, ginger root, garlic, sesame seeds, sesame oil, and fresh thyme, accompanied by fried bacon and tagliatelle generously coated in pesto.

Salmon before frying

Salmon while frying

A white wine was necessary for this course, and we (OJ) made a wise choice as usual with Calles Riesling. We haven't fully decided on the dessert yet; there's only so much room in our stomachs. Perhaps we'll consider chocolate pudding later.Or perhaps not, since both my companions are snoring away on their couches. It's time for me to find my bed...

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