Saturday, September 21, 2024

KONG48 Day Three - Keep Calm And Carry On

Which meant - set up Ole's and OJS' gear! Now, that's a handful with six Intel NUCs, mulitple hard drives, six Perseus, internet connections and sorting out the four coax cables to each of them. Below is how it looked like after job done. 

Where do all the cables go?

I took a walk to see how the water supply was getting on - not too good I'm afraid after this summer's draught. We'll need an awful lot of rain to get even. While out, I took these pictures during a hail shower.

Still quite a lot of wind, and frequent rain and hail showers, but much less windy than on Friday. Wind had shifted direction a bit so we had some huge swells into the bay near my house. Impressive. And they make an awesome sound. 6-7 degrees Celsius.

Nothing much to say radio-wise except conditions do appear to be improving. A little bit.

Dinner! Fried salmon fillets marinated in sesame oil, sesame seeds, red chili, garlic and ginger. Tagliatelle with proper pesto and parmesan cheese. And bacon. Accompanied by our all-time favourite white wine, Kim Crawford from New Zealand.

For dessert, our traditional chocolate pudding with custard. And a little bit of Amaretto and Grappa.

Tomorrow is our last day, and may be a bit busy. The wind is supposed to calm, the rain not so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes... hails, NUCs. storms what have you, cannot ever beat sesame versions in any food combo. Add ginger and some plain chile and it's perfect. Solar indices, antenna bearings and those things will follow suit. So, carry on.