Friday, September 08, 2023

KONG46 - Day Two

 Antenna day! Four beverages were deployed, and we spent considerable time providing new and better grounding for the 50-degrees beverage which had become somewhat noisy over the years. Not all antennas are in a proper state yet, but hey, it's only Friday and we're not leaving until early Monday morning!

We also had some noise issues with our Mount Loran deployment, so I was monitoring via remote control while OJ and Ole did work on site to reduce the noise to acceptable levels. Unfortunately, the reindeer which usualy migrate inland in late August hadn't done that, so we hope they don't get tangled in the wire. Hopefully they will be gone when I revisit the site next weekend.

In the afternoon it was time for OJ and Ole to put up their own gear - power supplies, PCs, Perseus SDRs, network switches, hard drives, preamps, coax cables... the lot. I'm quite happy that my rig is stationary, so I can sit and watch, throw in the odd unhelpful comments and drink Nøgne Ø American IPA.

Dinner: Fresh salmon loins, baked in the oven, served with tagliatelle & pesto. Lots of pesto. Kim Crawford, NZL white wine. For dessert, ice cream including wild berries, and of course Grappa!

Weather: A bit windy, otherwise excellent, maxing out at 19 Celsius. Not what you expect in September on 70 degrees north. Dry, a bit more cloudy in the evening. The forecast for Saturday says more of the same, except less wind and a bit more cloudy.

The bay near my house, neighbours in the background.

I don't do selfies often but today I did. End point of the dual (staggered) 340 beverage.

High tide in Kongsfjord

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