Sunday, October 06, 2024

SDRPlay SDRconnect Software - Preview 4

SDRPlay announced Preview 4 of their new software around 3 weeks ago. Considering that this is version 0.4, it is interesting to see the dedication from some users when they point out  how long everything takes. From what I know there hasn't been issued a timeline for when version 1.0 is ready to download. Yes, it takes time. No, I don't worry. While it is unlikely hat SDRconnect will supplant HDSDR and SDR Console as the software of choice for my four RSPdx and RSPdxR2, I find testing different receivers and software remains fascinating and provides a chance to offer feedback to the developers.

The new or enhanced features in Preview 4 that are intriguing for exploration include RDS encoding of FM signals, timed IQ or audio recordings, and Profiles. The official release notes are depicted in the graphic below.

I'm leaving RDS out this time since FM signals are many months away, I will focus on timed (or scheduled) recordings, and profiles. And I need to return to the server bit. It was last covered in my March 8 post.

Playback/Timed Recordings:

First: IQ recordings must obviously be made in the RF64 format, as one file I recorded was 5.1 GB (11:25 minutes) when I stopped recording. Playback control is still limited, but what is does, it does well. There is a playback bar indicating total length and progress. The playback can be looped. Still missing are pause/next/previous controls, playback bar time indicator (not to be confused with the running time of the playback) and the all-important user-configurable loop, much needed when you want to replay a small section many times to see if you can tweak and ID out of the mess. Moving back and forth on the playback bar with your mouse is instantaneous. The playback bar may seem small when trying to find the right point on a very long recording. But it can float, and you can make it as wide as your display. Or displays for that matter. Ensuring it returned to a "fixed" position was a completely separate issue.

I have been assured by the development team that the Timed Recordings feature is work in progress. The dialogue box is shown below, and it is at this stage relatively basic in that you can schedule only one recording at the time. You can of course add as many (surely there is a maximum number?) sessions as you like. Recurring recordings are said to be available in later versions.

The maximum duration of any timed recording session appears to be 60 minutes. That is an issue, but if recurring is enabled in later versions, not so much. The "Override = On" switch on the top right means that the recording session will override any other activity, like if you've tuned to a signal outside of the band defined by Profile when the recording is due to start. Tested - works (but not when connected to a server, see below).

If no profile is selected, SDRconnect will record the frequency spectrum displayed on the screen.

And speaking of profiles, it's a useful addition to the software. The feature is enabled when clicking  "Profiles" on the bottom right on the image below. I have defined one profile so far, "MW-AM" with the properties listed in the Device Profile Summary. Double-clicking the profile will engage that frequency range with properties.

Unfortunately, the profile will not define frequency steps (I would liked to have one MW profile with 9-kHz steps and one with 10), or alternative demodulators and bandwidths. In short, frequency steps and demodulators are not well implemented. It is if developers have decided that "MW DX-ers use AM, radio amateurs use SSB" etc. If I want to change from AM to SAM I'm back to 1-kHz steps. If I want to use USB or LSB to avoid close-channel interference I always have to change bandwidth from the default 1.8 to say 3.0 kHz, and frequency steps up from 0.1 kHz. Further software development should include more parameters to be included in each profile. After all, that's what a profile is all about - user-defined exceptions from the global settings. 


As mentioned in my March 8 blogpost, SDRconnect offers a server function, both for LAN and WAN connections, and they can also be combined. The server supports a maximum of 8 clients. It is somewhat ironic that in the world of graphical user interfaces, a command window har to be used to start the server. Luckily for us who have long forgotten the art of command lines (my first PC actually used a DOS 3.3 OS), the team has advised how to create a batch file to put on your desktop or elsewhere. There are a number of options to put in the command line, each preceeded by "--". So for instance since I'm a MW DX-er I have selected this command line: 

start .\SDRconnect --server --centerfrequency=875

As mentioned before, the first user always has control over the sample rate and frequency range - all the others have to follow. In addition, all users, both on the LAN and the WAN can connect to IQ in addition to Audio. In fact for WAN users, IQ connection is the de facto default choice since it's the first option you get in the drop-down window. You would need an extremely fast and stable internet connection for your server to entertain guest users that connected to the IQ option. Also, if the first/local user for some reason terminates SDRconnect, control is transferred to one of the other users, even WAN users (in my case, the third one to connect). I would much prefer that a LAN user (usually the owner) always has control.

IQ is the "Default" connection mode for WAN clients (the Audio option is found further down the drop-down menu)

There are options in the command line that can partially remedy any ill effects, like setting a defined number of users allowed, and an "exclusive" option. The latter will affect all clients including the owner so it's not really useful in my opinion.

I expressed my concerns on the SDRPlay reflector. The response I got from an SDRPlay team member was that if I feel client connections over IQ is bogging me down, "just restart the server". Or if I want control over my local LAN, "just connect as the first client". Well, I knew that, didn't I. I aimed to take an additional step to enhance the owner's control. Maybe I'm just asking too much. It will be interesting to hear how SDRPlay implements the server feature in their upcoming nRSP-ST.

Another thing: In its current version, Profiles do not seem to be supported when you're connected to the server, even as first user on the LAN. This will affect IQ (and audio) recordings as well, since you can't select a profile for timed recordings. The Profiles option is not greyed out however, It just doesn't respond to mouse or keyboard action. So maybe it is available further down the road. Or just a bug.

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