Saturday, June 15, 2024

Perseus 22 !! First Looks

 So! It's here! Not mine though, OJ Sagdahl ordered it and handed it over to me while we were at Smøla HQ last weekend. Now it's at the KONG HQ, ready to be tested. 

(Edit:) Apparently drawing around 1000 mA at 2 MHz sampling, the DC in is 9 V.

The station is TWR Eswatini, closing down at 16:20Z. Captured on the 250-metre coax feedline from the 80-degrees beverage antenna (disconnected).

Next on the list: Sensitivity! More as it happens.


Anonymous said...

Current on the meter is 1A ? Where do you see the RBW ? Regards Werner

Unknown said...

Why oh why do they insist on strange voltages. Why not stick to 5 or 12 VDC? This is just asking for trouble with inadvertent plug-in with 12 VDC. I'm waiting for the first person to post that they accidently plugged in 12 VDC, and what to do (like the original Perseus...I've done it myself :-( ).

Bjarne Mjelde said...

Yes, I agree. I actually used a power cord from a Seagate hard drive PSU to connect to the P22, so no question that the connector can take "anything". According to the manual, the hardware warns if there is no voltage, or if it is too low (!) So....

Bjarne Mjelde said...

momentary lapse of vision!

Walt Salmaniw said...

Bjarne, it's so easy to do...the inadvertent 12v into the original Perseus I've done twice. The first time was a failure of a 12v to 5v transformer, and the second was setting up a remote overnight DX from a truck...I was cold, wet and tired, and there's a rabbit warren of wires to connect. The rest is history....sick feeling in your stomach when your Perseus is completely deaf. Sigh!