Friday, September 07, 2018

Testing Changes To The KongSDR Remote Receiver

Today I have preliminary implemented changes to the KongSDR, to allow more users. The original KiwiSDR could only supply four tuneable audio/waterfall receiver channels. Two of the original channels have been traded for six audio only receiver channels. The total number of channels are increased from four to eight.

Recently added features, such as the TDoA service, WSPR Autorun, configuration forWJST-X and DRM are channel intensive. When these kinds of connections are made, channels RX2 to RX7 (audio only) will be used first. RX0 and RX1 will be available for normal browser connections where it's desirable to view the waterfall.

While it is always cool to see the waterfall, in many cases it's not really necessary. Please email me if you have comments to this setup. It is always reversible. Below is how an audio-only display is shown.

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