Friday, September 27, 2024

KONG48 - End Notes

 A week has passed since we "officially" started KONG48. This week I've spent 3 days in Norway's "rain capital", Bergen, without seeing a drop of rain. While in this area it's been raining cats and dogs. Actually we needed rain after an extremely dry (and comparatively warm) summer.

Anyway. I took a few photos on Sunday morning, and while much of the info below has been given before on this blog, a refresh might not be all bad.

The photo below is our kind of "DX Central". Four beverages enter through the wall and connect to the four DX-Engineering RPA-2 preamps on the bottom of the photo. From there, tailor-made coax cables (made by Bonito in Germany) connect to the 1:8 passive MiniCircuits splitters at the top. From there, the signals are distributed to the three of us.

The four RPA-2 preamps in the middle are mine. My equipment is located elsewhere than Ole's and OJS' stuff. So, another set of Bonito coax cables go from the splitters to the preamps, and from them out of sight from the bottom of the photo.

... and into sight here! Three of my four Perseus are located on this shelf, together with a spare one. The WR-G31DDC Excalibur is not in use.

Neither are the earphones. Well they are sort of, they are connected to the Intel NUCs seen below because the NUCs need an audio driver to make us hear audio when we're listening remote. The blue cable in front is the 5V power supply for one of the Perseus, powered from a USB3 connector on one of the PCs.

And the three PCs that are fed from the three Perseus are  on the shelf above, shown below. (huh?)

The two Intel NUCs are refurbished, and was bought as part of a package of 10 by OJS on Ebay from a US supplier. The dark one to the left of the NUCs is a Dell Micro PC. Other hardware seen on the image are 8 and 12 TB hard drives from Seagate. I have two for each PC. The Jaguar software will automatically change to another hard drive if the first one runs full.

The fourth Perseus is situated closer to my "station", and is connected to a Lenovo "midi" desktop, the one to the right on the image below. The other desktop is a Dell, and the Perseus22 and an RSPdx-R2 are connected to that one, with a 4 TB Samsung SSD for external storage.

The Perseus is in the background, resting on top of a vintage Tandberg speaker.

Today we heard news of another SDR coming out of the SDRPlay works, the nRSP-SP web-capable SDR. Maybe it will find its way to this radio shack in not too long.

To finish off this blogpost, a few photos from near our location on Sunday. Sorry about not being able to keep the mobile phone camera steady enough, it was just too windy.

Our location, take one

Our location, take two. Direction east.

Turning north. The island is named "Grønnøya", meaning "Green island", quite a fertile place due to centuries of seagull droppings. Grassy and lots of cloudberries.

Another perspective of Grønnøya, this time facing east.

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