Friday, August 02, 2024

More on the Perseus22 (And a Foggy KONG HQ)

With version 1.2 of the Perseus software out I was hoping to see the implementation of some essential functions for the MW DX-er. However, it was mostly fixes and improvements. I did have a chance to test the WRTH database though. While connection and loading of the database was instant, the results were underwhelming. It seems to me that the WRTH database is far from accurate. One of several examples on the 19-metre band (the only band I checked) is shown below. No it's not Radio Habana Cuba, it's the Voice of America.

Also, MW stations are not listed at all.

There are many databases available. For MW DX-ers a regionally filtered version of MWList would be a lot better. For SW DX-ers I suppose anything but WRTH is better. Sorry to say.

Below is the business end of the Perseus22, namely the back panel. The SMA to BNC pigtails on HF1 and HF2 are tailor-made from Bonito in Germany.

The four channel windows are adjustable in height and width and can be moved around. Below are three of them, HF1, HF2 and VHF1 (the DAB+ band).

After a wet and rather chilly June, we've had dry and warm weather this summer. Coastal areas are exposed to fog though, and yesterday evening it was "thick as peasoup" as we say here. The KONG HQ seen from the beach, 60 metres away.

1 comment:

Mauno Ritola said...

Hi Bjarne, there has been a glitch with the WRTH shortwave database upload and it should have been fixed now, so please recheck.