Saturday, September 09, 2023

KONG46 - Day Three

Right! We're ready! For a winter with great DX! Most of the antenna works have been done, and apparently with good results. At 17:00Z today, half an hour before sunrset the quite common ABC Newsradio,  Bunburry, Western Australia was heard with excellent signal levels on 1152 kHz. A lot more interesting catch was Radio Republik Indonesia, Semarang on 801 at the same time, and also 100-watt NHK1 Osaka relay Kasumi on 1584 at 20:00Z! 8050 km.

Lots of new ground rods have been installed, and by now all our beverages are working well. We had a trip to Mount Loran to track down some sources of interference, only to acknowledge that there's not much we can do about it.

Dinner: Grilled king crab! Wow! Wow indeed!! Never done this variant before. Served with pasta and pesto, and a butter sauce with onions and apples. Chocolate pudding and custard for dessert. And Cointreau. And Grappa. And then a little more Grappa. Below a few pictures from today.

At the endpoint of the 310 beverage

End of the 1000-metre Mount Loran beverage

Grilled king crab. Best seafood ever.

Weather was very nice with no wind at all, mostly cloudy and at times extremely light rain and 13-14 degrees Celsius, actually a bit on the warm side for outdoor activities. Not that we really complain.

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