Monday, August 10, 2020

Dragonfly RX-666: Some Points to Consider

Having spent quite a few hours with the RX-666 over the weekend, I feel confident enough to come up with an evaluation of the receiver and its interaction with software. The link is here.


  1. Can you provide the link to the Oskar Stelia BBRF103 dll for RX-666 to be used on the real HDSDR software? Thank you.
    Larry, K4LED

  2. Larry, you will find Oscar's email address here:

  3. Good evening Bjarne
    Is the photo you put of your RX-666?
    I just discovered that on my RX-666 PCB the U7 integrated circuit is missing
    Other photos show on another RX-666 an integrated circuit soldered on U7
    Can you tell me about your PCB of your U7 receiver and present or not?
    I cannot send you a photo with my message
    Best regards
    73 Bernard

  4. Yes, U7 is missing on my specimen.
