After I had done my first test of the RSP1A I realised that the comparison I did was rather unfair. The SDR was connected to a cheap laptop, and cheap laptops usually have awful audio cards. Especially in comparison with the Cakewalk UA-16 I use on my main PC! So I moved the radio to the main PC and decided to do another test.
This time, I recorded 20 seconds of audio from a very weak KONP 1450 kHz to the RSP1A, the Cloud-IQ and the Perseus (Jaguar software).
So you can listen for yourselves. Sorry that the line level of the Perseus came up a bit louder than the other two. The sequence is: 20 seconds RSP1A, 20 seconds Cloud-IQ and 20 seconds Perseus/Jaguar. Software used with RSP1A and Cloud-IQ was SDR Console V3, USB mode, 2.8 kHz bandwidth (Perseus 3.2). The audio is recorded today at 12:30:00 to 12:30:20 UTC.
Apart from this, I have compared the RSP1A to the Cloud-IQ on various frequency ranges, various software (HDSDR and SDR Console V3), but only with the 2,048 kHz bandwidth. It does in fact fare well.
Below are the RSP1A (left) and Cloud-IQ when connected to a 500-metre, 50-degrees beverage (the Asia-Pacific antenna).
Hi Bjarne, nice to get back to. I've been back after 5 years. Had my license radio amateur, but the band is now dead on HF, my Perseus sold sorry and stupid from me, but I bought the RSP1A, for my Kenwood 590SG. It works supper. I still had place in the garden, why not make a Kaz antenna. Now from this week I am back on the MW, and the conditions are not bad for September, the RSP1A is of course no Perseus. But price comparison is he certainly not bad, what does occur is sometimes small signals carriers where there is no dx with the Bias-T is this something better but they do not disappear completely. But I'm going to buy a Perseus again. A great hobby, he radio happen hi. I still hear from you, thank you for your commitment to hobby 73, Maurits from Belgium