Wednesday, November 30, 2016

QSL: Coast 1359, New Plymouth NZL

Coast 1359 came up with a very good signal on their local midnight a week ago. Very swift and detailed response today. I actually heard the station during a super NZL opening back in 2008, but couldn't get a QSL at the time. Thanks OJS for v/s info.

QSL: WJTI West Allis WI 1460

Surfaced rather unexpected on the Mount Loran beverage when conditions were rather poor. Short email tonight confirmed my reception. Thanks OJS for the email address.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

QSL: KGEN Tulare CA 1370

Surprising catch peaking well with "La Ley" slogans in October. Took a while to confirm that this was really KGEN, and took a bit more, including a call to the station from Henrik Klemetz, to trigger a friendly and detailed response! Thanks Henrik for lots of work! Thanks also Nigel Pimblett for removing any doubts this was KGEN.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

QSL: KKTY Douglas WY 1470

We had massive signals from Wyoming for a while on October 24, and OJS alerted about this 1 kW, Classic Hits station. Detailed email received  today. KKTY belongs to Douglas Broadcasting, which also owns KKTS 1580, heard in 2013 and occasionally after that.

Monday, November 14, 2016

QSL: KFRU Columbia MO 1400

October 25 at 0000 UTC was a good spot for Nebraska and Missouri, and KFRU surfaced with a good signal at the time. I received a friendly email response this evening, together with lots of photos from the station. A couple of them here.

QSL: WREL Lexington VA 1450

A most welcome response from WREL, heard on the good east coast opening on September 20. Signal quality was not at all good, but was confirmed and they attached an MP3 of the actual announcement.

QSL: WWWS Buffalo NY 1400

A few reminders went out today, and the first to respond was WWWS. Heard on October 7.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

QSL: KCSJ Pueblo CO 590

Another good catch from the Nov 5 opening. Short but quick response today.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

QSL: KTRH Houston TX 740

A bit of a bombshell that KTRH could be heard through the massive signal from CBX Edmonton AB, but the Mount Loran beverage antenna continues to impress us. Quick email response today. Texas # 30.

QSL: DZAS FEBC, Valenzuela PHL 702

My attempts to log and QSL Philippine stations have been random and unfocused over the decades - too bad with the excellent location I have for DX-ing PHL. Be that as it may, I got DZAS with an excellent signal during auroral conditions last week, and received a confirmation today.

Monday, November 07, 2016

QSL: 6WA ABC Local Radio. Wagin WA 558

Finally heard Western Australia on MW! First spotted by Tore Johnny Bråtveit on this interesting opening on October 13, it had decent signal levels on top of the hour, mixing with a Thai station. Email response today. Wagin is located inland, near Perth.

The 50 degrees beverage antenna used is nowhere near suitable for hearing this part of Australia. One directed at 80-90 degrees would have been a lot more efficient. So we're planning a temporary beverage at a better direction next autumn. And Tasmania is next!

Friday, November 04, 2016

QSL: KXXJ Juneau AK 1330

After quite a few tries over several years, Ole Forr pointed me towards the person to contact for a verie. Instant response for a reception on Mount Loran today.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

QSL: WJNJ Jacksonville FL 1320

Heard at Mount Loran with a good signal on November 1, quick and friendly email response tonight.

QSL: KWHW Altus OK 1450

KWHW surfaced briefly together with KWBE Beatrice NE on the Mount Loran beverage this morning, and sent an email to confirm this afternoon.

QSL: WOHI East Liverpool OH 1490

We do our best to entertain the fine people of Norway! So was the response from Kalen at "Pickle" when I informed that he'd been heard off the temporary 1000 meter beverage at Mt. Loran. Interestingly enough they don't even list 1490 on their home page.

Though from a separate and more detailed email the day after I did get the illustration below.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

QSL: WMIQ Iron Mountain MI 1450

Heard off the temporary 1000 meter beverage at "Mount Loran". The owner responded with an email. Part of WMIQ's coverage is Norway.  Which is a town east of Iron Mountain.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

QSL: KEXO Grand Junction CO 1230

Heard with a good signal on October 24. Email verie today, thanks Ole Forr for v/s.

QSL: KCHA Charles City IA 1580

The second QSL yesterday came from Fabulous 1580, for a reception in October 2015. The response commented the reception as "That was VERY clear, impressive!"