Monday, February 17, 2014

The KILI1 Team is Back!

Well, we have been for a while actually...

We did collect SDR recordings from most of the camps we were in, and with some interesting results. Unfortunately, we were unable to do recordings from Zanzibar. We are presently reviewing the recordings for a master log to be published shortly. Following this, all SDR recordings will be made publicly available, and there will be lots of stuff waiting to be ID'ed by trained ears. We did in fact log four continents (from what we know now) with our short (25 meter) dipole and SDR-IQ.

Interestingly enough, FM reception on Kilimanjaro was excellent. Any time we did an FM scan on the Tecsun PL-380, 35 to 40 signals were found, most of them from Kenya. In contrast, in Zanzibar we only found four FM stations.

Below is Kilimanjaro as it appears from 4650 masl. A mighty mountain...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Looking forward to sharing your goodies.
