And some opening! The band has been filled with excellent signals from especially Japan and Korea, and even Australia, both in-band and x-band, and New Zealand! Earliest Kiwi log ever in Kongsfjord.
At 1800 UTC Japan and Korea peaked at exceptional signal levels. Too bad the NHK stations didn't have a local break at this time. AFN Korea noted on 1530 and 1575 kHz, Newstalk ZB on 1035, HLQC KBS1 on 1539, ABC on 855, 630, 1548 etc.
At 1900 the signals were still outstanding, but less interesting because of more interference from SE Asia/Middle East and from Europe.
This has indeed raised our expectations towards the coming night. But then, you never know... Below is an example of the signal strength of one of the FE Asian stations, JOIF Fukuoka 1413 kHz. I doubt if they're heard much better in the outskirts of that city... The distance is 6800 km. And if you wonder how it sounds like, check this audio!
Impossible! Stunning!