Sunday, September 09, 2012

Season Preparations With OJ - Third Day

Saturday was relatively calm, cloudy most of the day but sunny and nice towards the afternoon. The dual, parallel 340 degree beverage was finally completed, and briefly tested.

The QDFA refurb was completed as well, and performed to specs when we tested it. This is what we did: First we connected loop no 1 directly to the feed line while monitoring two groundwave stations from Murmansk; 657 and 1134. Those stations are located at 142 degrees, or roughly South-East of here. Although not in the QDFA's deepest null, the loop should attenuate their signals somewhat. 

After testing loop no 1 we removed it and connected loop no 2 etc. When we had recorded the signal levels for each individual loop, we connected all loops to the phaser and feed line.

The individual loops received 657 kHz at an average level of -70.7 dBm (ranging from -69.3 to -72.4). The QDFA received 657 at -88 dBm, giving roughly 17 dB of attenuation.

1134 kHz levels were - 85.6 dBm in average, ranging from -83 to -87.5. The QDFA level was -94 dBm, or 8.4 dBm attenuation. We are quite satisfied with this.

It should be mentioned too, that the phaser box escaped the previous, rather harsh winter, unscathed. Everything appears to be working, thanks to the continuing modification work carried out by Dallas Lankford. It now appears to have passed the weather test of one of the worst habitable winter climates of the world. It is also worth mentioning that the fiber glass masts from Max-Gain are exceptionally robust.

Our backs were aching after two challenging days on the antenna field, but in the evening we could finally enjoy reindeer sirloins with mashed potatoes and woked leak, red onions, red chili and (red) tomatoes. A most delicious Australian red wine was enjoyed with the meat, 2010 Miss Harry bought in Finland (and recommended by Antti Altonen). It's in fact not available in Norway.

Dessert: Jelly with artificial strawberry taste, and (real) vanilla custard.

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