I rarely hear any Trans-Atlantic DX here in August. My northerly location is of course to blame. Last night though, the ususal eastern North America stations were heard with ok signals, such as 1200-Ottawa, 1500-Detroit, 1510-Boston, 1520-Buffalo, 1540-Toronto and 1600-Boston together with quite a few others (including rather surprisingly Pulse 2 from Huddersfield on 1530). The first signal from Down Under was heard Friday evening with presumed 1620-Sydney with Arabic music.
Tonight's DX was somewhat noisy as there were frequent static crashes from thunderstorms somewhere. This gave me the opportunity to compare how the AGCs of the Excalibur software and SDR-Radio handled the noise. Generally there was a noticeable difference in favour of SDR-Radio. Nowadays with SDR software, AGC settings can be adjusted ad infinitum, but at least when it comes to out-of-the-box settings, SDR-Radio was the winner.
Still no comparison with it. They have a huge difference with different use.