Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Clifton Labs Z1501 Active Antenna - Pt 4 The 3 Meter Whip

This morning I replaced the 1.5 meter whip with the 3 meter whip. On SW, the difference was significant, with my semi-local Radio Rossii 5930 increasing 10-15 dB in gain. On MW however, there was only minor gain improvements as Rossii-657 increased its strength by only 2 dB.

This concludes the test of the Clifton Laboratories Z1501 Active Antenna. I will most likely dismantle it from my Kongsfjord QTH and erect in in a tree outside my apartment in Vadsø. It will be interesting to see how much it will be affected by the usual noise a residential area will produce.


  1. Bjarne;
    Very interesting , did you make any comparson with magnetic loops (like ALA100)?


  2. Tarmo, no I didn't have the ALA100 up. A direct comparison is difficult to make since the ALA100 is bidirectional and the Z1501 is omnidirectional. My guess is that the ALA100 would be somewhere between the beverage and the Z1501 in terms of gain and noise floor.
