Thursday, October 07, 2010

WGBW Two Rivers WI 1590 DX Test

From OJ Sagdahl, member of the KONG crew:

I heard WGBW Two Rivers WI 1590 in Kongsfjord one night in September 2009 while they were transmitting with full daytime power (1 kW) during some work on their equipment. President and General Manager Mark Heller responded with a kind confirmation and offered to try full power at nighttime again at an agreed time. This will now take place 16 October 2010 @ 12:00 am to 1:00 am CDT.
Mr. Heller will be putting together a program of music segments, which will attract attention. It will be one minute clips of Mickey Mouse Club March, Soupy Sales theme song (high frequency piano theme) and maybe some Les Paul too. There will be station identifications and announcements between the music segments. This will repeat for the entire hour. It will stand out!
Reception reports (email with MP3-file) can be sent to Mr. Mark Heller for verification: 
wgbw [at] lsol [dot] net


  1. Hey, did this test actually happen? I was unable to catch it on my radio.

  2. Yes, it did happen. I was in contact with the GM at WGBW during the test and he reported the progress as he went on. However, due to the disturbed conditions we were not able to catch it in Kongsfjord. Hopefully someone elsewhere were able to catch them.

    73 de OJ

  3. Okay. I was trying to catch them in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA--approx 950 miles away--and was unable to find them... unless, of course, they were the ones playing Orbison's "Pretty Woman" which I could detect very faintly. Never could I discern any identification.

  4. We will check with the station to see how many reception reports they got and from where. Once we get the results we will publish them here.

    73 de OJ

  5. Summary from the WGBW test:

    "The test was heard in the US and Canada. Longest distance 960 miles away.

    Some of the audio files were spectacular, considering 700 miles away and an indoor ferrite antenna...

    One fellow, did 43 minutes of monitoring, and got it solid for entire time from 460 miles away...

    Most of the receptions were from Midwest and some Western states, a few from east coast (Wash DC area, West Virginia, Ohio)

    One report was from 25 miles from WAKR in Akron, 1590, which really was outstanding. he simply nulled the station, and we were there!"

    Thank you to Mark Heller at WGBW!

    73 de OJ
