Tuesday, July 17, 2007

KLYC McMinnville OR 1260 Verification

KLYC surfaced briefly on the excellent DX morning October 10, 2006, amidst signals from Wyoming, Idaho and not least the dominant CFRN Edmonton AB. Amazing that 800 watts can penetrate a north-directional 50,000 watt signal like that of CFRN... A very friendly email from Stella Bonsack this evening confirmed my reception. Stella and her husband Larry have owned the station since 1990. McMinnville, to quote Stella, "is located about halfway between Portland and the Oregon Coast. To many of us there's no better place on earth to live. This is beautiful country with rolling hills of vineyards, filbert orchards and landscape nurseries. Tourists enjoy visiting the wineries and the Evergreen Air Museum in McMinnville featuring Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose."

KLYC is definately one of my best North America catches ever, and it was most rewarding to receive their verification.

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