Friday, September 29, 2006

Eton E1 Story

A re-write of my E1 impressions is available as a PDF-file on my Kongsfjord page, and on the link section to the right.

One more QSL the past few days, KLGN Logan UT 1390. Most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Bjarne, thanks for the great review. I particularly appreciate you taking the time to do the sensitivity measurements...I haven't seen this sort of information elsewhere. Everything considered, the E1 appears poised to take the place of the ICF-2010/2001D as the premier portable receiver to own. In some (European) circles the Sony is preferred due to its front end performance, but your experience indicates the Eton is more than satisfactory when dealing with strong signals. It's a very impressive portable, to say the least. 73, Guy
