WMPL was heard in mid-January during a CKNX fade. Their Chief Engineer confirmed my reception today.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Monday, January 16, 2017
QSL: KMRS Morris MN 1230
Quite a surprising catch this morning when KMRS surfaced with a promotion and mentioned both 1230 and 95.7 KKOK. Quick response this afternoon. KMRS is one of rather few stations who are not 24/7, as they're silent between local Midnight and 5:30 am.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
QSL: YVKJ Radio Maria, Caracas VEN 1450
A very common guest on Smøla island, and quite often heard in Kongsfjord too. E-QSL today for an August, 2016 report.
Monday, January 09, 2017
QSL: WKHM Jackson MI 970
WHKM was heard on November 1, and after a few tries OJ Sagdahl submitted a contact who sent a friendly response. Michigan # 40.
Friday, January 06, 2017
Tuesday, January 03, 2017
QSL: Radio Live, Wellington NZL 1233
Great signal from Radio Live (and a heap of others) on October 13. Email confirmation tonight. I also received a verie for Radio Live Rotorua 1107, but after I sent the report I noticed that it was already confirmed several years ago. You can't have too many Kiwi QSLs!
QSL: Rhema, Invercargill NZL 1404
Another QSL from DU today as Rhema responded to a September reception. A bit of luck was required for catching it, as SBS from Shizouka, Japan dominated the frequency with a very strong signal. At the top of the hour they were quiet for a second, just enough for a weak "This is Rhema" to be heard. Thanks OJS for spotting it. 16,550 km for a 5,000 watt signal.
QSL: 4RN ABC Radio National, Brisbane QLD 792
I noticed Ole Forr had heard it in September, so I had to check a recording and voilá, there it was with weather before ending ABC News. Guangxi RGD was less dominant than usual. Super-quick response today.