Wednesday, October 31, 2007
KVOL Lafayette LA 1330 Verification
Coolest catch from North America on my part so far this season is KVOL, a 1000-watt station with a very modest lobe to the north. It just suddenly popped up at 0731 on October 24 with "We are the voice of Lafayette, 1330 AM KVOL"; faded down and was never heard again. Operations Manager Charles Sagona emailed me a verie this evening, informing me that mine was the second of two reports this year; the other came from Finland.
I'd never have caught it without the SDR-IQ.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
WFNN Erie PA 1330 Verification
Heard a few times during KONG17, though this reception in particular was just after the expedition ended on October 24. A superb signal at the time. Charles G. Lelievre emailed a confirmation to me this afternoon; also attached several pictures from the station, one of which is a studio picture you see above. Thanks JA for the email address.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
KFXX Portland OR 1080 Verification
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Radio Rhema, Auckland 1251 Verification
Dudley Scantlebury from Technical Administration confirmed my reception with an email this morning.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Strange Conditions Pt. II
4QD 1548 had a super signal later on and we thought we might have another good Aussie opening, but only found traces of audio on 630 and 1512. The most common Pacific stations like Tonga 1017 and Marshall Islands 1098 were also present but not with impressive strengths.
On Monday evening I was called up by Chris Walker at CBC British Columbia, and we had a five-minute chat which was aired on CBC Daybreak North which originates from Prince Rupert (860) and Prince George (FM). The interview ended with Chris giving me an official verification of my reception of CFPR Prince Rupert BC 860, on the air! My first!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Te Reo Irirangi Maori o Te Upoko o Te Ika, Wellington 1161 Verification
Te Reo Irirangi Maori o Te Upoko o Te Ika, or 2XM as is their official call letters, was heard on 1161 kHz on the first of the two Fab NZ days (October 16). 2XM is a Maori station. Wena Tait, Station Manager, emailed me a confirmation this evening. Thanks Terry Nielsen in NZ for contact info!
Strange Conditions
Night: Nada
Late night: Nada
Morning: Getting better
Late morning: Better!! Stations like KRTA-610 and KPDQ-800 visited us along with many WA and OR stations. Kinda saved the day. Nothing exciting from Asia or the Pacific, and excessive noise on the easterly directed beverages.
It was sort of depressing to sit here during the night and have SMS after SMS from the Andøya gang reporting excellent DX. While there are always local differences that can vary over hours and days, I think it is quite obvious that the western, coastal locations of the Vesterålen (in the case of Andøya) and Lofoten islands are superb locations for trans-atlantic DX. About time they are tested.
I had a bit of time to do other things than DX as well. Olav Skår from Stavanger, who visited us a few days ago, left an Icom IC-R1500 receiver for me to test. I did some measurement tests, and tried to find out how it could work as a MW DX receiver. A quick conclusion on the latter issue is that it won't. The user interface may be good for scanning, but not for MW DX. It is simply too cumbersome to operate, whether you use the software interface or the remote control. I thought that it was very unsensitive on MW - well it is but not as bad as I had thought with sensitivity figures in the -96dBm range or around 4 uV. On shortwave sensitivity is around 1 uV. I assume that it has a 10 dB attenuation pad built in, which probably can be removed, if the receiver could work well otherwise. I'll spend more time with it though and make a write-up.
Weather: Still mild with 5C, and still windy, SW winds at around 40 km/h.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Things To Do When Conditions Should Be Improving
2. Check antenna connections
3. Re-check antenna connections
4. Shake heads
5. Twist the dials
Seriously though: According to SWPC, conditions should be good now. But as is often the case in northern locations, the signals take time to recover. Not that it seemed to play much difference at Andøya, where our friends Jan, Ole, Geir and Tore had superb conditions towards Latin America last night. Only few, and mostly weak, signals here. Maybe someone fired off a rocket from the Andøya Rocket Range and put a hole in the ionosphere so that the signals leaked down through that hole?
Nothing much from North America either, very quiet on the band. But then the ionosphere again acts in mysterious ways as KSMA Santa Maria CA suddenly appeared on 1240 with a good signal! Just about alone! But followed by the more common KTIX Pendleton OR seconds later. Again and again we see that even when conditions appear totally useless, excellent DX can be heard.
Here is the latest weather update: Very mild and calm during the night, increased wind and a little rain at the time of writing, but still very mild with around 5C.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Things To Do When Conditions Are Poor
2. Jog. With 60 km/h winds only OJ is brave enough to try, and he will surely break the Veines Lighthouse world record - on the way out. He will surely crawl the way in.
3. Write reception logs and reports. We will try to use Google Docs as a mean to coordinate our efforts.
4. Listen to KBRW. Now and then they put a volunteer behind the mic who is more interested in playing a heavy-metal/death-metal mix than put his voice on the air for any talent hunters to hear. Maybe just as well. But we do like the music!
5. Make up for lost sleep. Arnstein slept 12 hours during the last 15 hours, roughly the same as during the first week.
6. Wait for Kongsfjord Gjestehus to open their doors for us.
Friday, October 19, 2007
KONG17 Update; CFPR Prince Rupert BC 860 Verification
Friendly email from Chris Walker today confirmed my reception, making it my first KONG17 verification.
Otherwise, conditions have been very much on-off today, though mostly off due to the coronal hole. See the update for details.
Very strong winds today didn't prevent me and OJ from making a 7 km jog out to the Veines lighthouse. During the evening and the king crab meal it calmed to around 37 km/h and weather will improve further during the night although the temperature is around 0C.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Expect The Unexpected
A few nice Australians also showed up later on. Right now we're preparing dinner, a reindeer steak with slow-gratinated potatoes. The highlights are flashing by like telephone posts from a train window...
Weather has taken a definitive turn for the worse though, with 55 km/h NW winds and rainshowers, expected to get worse overnight. +4C right now, will drop to +1C by tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
KONG17 Update, Wednesday
The updates should speak for themselves so I need not make the same listing here. Yesterday was the best New Zealand day that far. Today topped that with a good margin. With 900 watt stations and both islands being heard, we now know that even for such an elusive target there really is no limit.
Conditions towards Asia are still quite good but after such an ordeal it is difficult to find motivation for DX-ing more common countries and stations. Preparing tonight's dinner: Reindeer cirloins with cloudberries and cream for dessert. We're hoping for at least another night and another morning with good NZ conditions before the effects of the Coronal Hole hit us.
Weather update: Dead calm today after a windy evening and night; very light drizzle and still around 6C.
Monday, October 15, 2007
We Wait No More, And KUAM Noted On New Frequency
As I write this around 1230 UTC, signals from North America, Pacific and Asia are very much present, and we are looking forward to an interesting afternoon!
Weather still very nice, 6C and light SW winds.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Still Waiting
From around 0500 mostly prairie-type conditions with strong Canadians from Manitoba and westwards, some Mexico and signals on every channel but mostly heard before. So: Still waiting. But as I write this, CJRJ Victoria BC 1200 is entertaining us with Indian music at excellent strength. Hopefully we will enjoy better conditions towards the Pacific today.
IBOC noise: As reported from the Lemmenjoki expeditions, the IBOC noise is very much noticeable, and obscures reception on several frequencies.
Weather: Cloudy but dry, 35 km/h wind from the south and the temperature is at the freezing point.
Will upload some pictures later today.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Clear Skies, No Aurora!
The King Crab and Carbonara was delicious. Weather has improved a lot; tonight -1C with clear skies, calm and not a trace of Aurora! Things could be a lot worse than this.
KONG17 Update, Saturday Morning
Soon it is time to check out the Pacific stations.
Weather: A little better; wind is now 41 km/h from WNW and the rain is a bit lighter. Temperature: +4C.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Safe Arrival; Wine List
Torre del Falasco, Valpolicella, Ripasso 2005 (Valpantena)
Allesverloren, Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 (Landgoedwyn)
Quinta des Saes Reserva 2005 (CVR Dão)
Moulin de Laussac, Bordeaux 2006 (Moulin de Laussac)
Chablis Vieilles Vignes 2005 (Gerard Tremblay, Domaine des Iles)
Rheingau, Estate Rauenthal 2006 (Georg Brauer)
Natural XO, Calvados du Pays d'Auge (Domaine Dupont)
Gilde Non Plus Ultra Aquavit (Arcus)
Brøndums Snaps (Aalborg Akvavit)
Brøndum Kummenakvavit (De Danske Spritfabrikker)
Specially imported Sapporo Premium Beer
Significant amounts of not specially imported beer
Weather: NW winds 60 km/h, rainshowers, +3C. Supposed to calm a bit overnight.
Michael asked who is the chef or are we taking turns. We don't really know.
KONG17 Menue Translated
12.10 Bjarne's Fish au Gratin
13.10 King Crab with Carbonara
14.10 Baked Wild Salmon fillets
15.10 Sirloin from Reindeer, Cloudberries with Cream for Dessert
16.10 Wok'ed King Crab
17.10 Baked Cod fillets with wok'ed vegetables
18.10 Slow-Grilled Leg of Lamb with Garlic and Rosemary
19.10 King Crab with Carbonara (Take 2)
20.10 The Cook's Day Off: Dinner at Kongsfjord Gjestehus
21.10 Grilled Wild Salmon with Potatoes and Sour Cream
22.10 Meat Soup with Lamb and Vegetables
23.10 Leftovers
These are only the main courses. The hors d'Oeuvres and desserts are very exciting stuff too.
Weather is an important factor at the Arctic Coast so I'll bring updates every time I post. This morning: Gale 63 km/h from NW, rain, +4 Celsius.
Expect 2-3 posts per day from now on!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
KONG17 Preps, Menue
Some have expressed interest in what we eat during the KONG expeditions. We all appreciate good food and good drinks, and here is what we plan to eat:
12.10. Bjarnes guollegratiidna
13.10. Gonagasreabbá carbonarain
14.10. Oapmanis basson luossa ja ruotnasat
15.10. Bohccobiergu, luomelákca bajáluššan
16.10. Gonagasreabbá wok-bánnos
17.10. Oapmanis basson dorski, wok-ruotnasat ja sovssa
18.10. Obban bassojuvvon lábbáčoarbbealli
19.10. Gonagasreabbá carbonarain
20.10. Gaskabeaivvit guosseviesus
21.10. Basson luossačaskkástagat ja buđehat ja loahppelákca
22.10. Lábbábiergomálli
23.10. Seaguhus bázahus borramušaidguin
Sounds good, eh?
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Cross, Pohnpei Micronesia 4755 Verification
Friendly email from Roland at PMA this morning confirmed my reception of The Cross. Indeed my first Micronesia verie. Since the 1kW signal seems to travel well across the world, many DX-ers will be able to add another country to their count.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Some SDR-IQ Logs
Freq | Date | UTC | Station | Cont |
1220 | 15.09 | 0132 | XEB La B Grande, Cd. Mexico | CA |
1220 | 15.09 | 0100 | WHKW Cleveland OH | NA |
1230 | 15.09 | 0100 | CFFB Iqaluit NU | NA |
1240 | 15.09 | 0030 | UNID US, When Radio Was | NA |
1250 | 15.09 | 0112 | CJYE Oakville ON | NA |
1250 | 15.09 | 0059 | WSSP Milwaukee WI | NA |
1270 | 15.09 | 0002 | WXYT Detroit MI | NA |
1280 | 14.09 | 2328 | CFMB Montreal QU | NA |
1290 | 15.09 | 0100 | CJBK London ON | NA |
1290 | 15.09 | 0052 | WHIO Dayton OH | NA |
1300 | 19.09 | 0022 | WOOD Grand Rapids MI | NA |
1310 | 19.09 | 0008 | CIWW Ottawa ON | NA |
1320 | 15.09 | 0143 | CJMR Mississauga ON | NA |
1320 | 14.09 | 2325 | CKEC New Glasgow NS | NA |
1360 | 15.09 | 0032 | WKAT North Miami FL | NA |
1370 | 15.09 | 0007 | WDEA Ellsworth ME | NA |
1370 | 15.09 | 0000 | WXXI Rochester NY | NA |
1380 | 15.09 | 0155 | WTJK Beloit IL | NA |
1380 | 15.09 | 0036 | CKLC Kingston ON | NA |
1380 | 15.09 | 0013 | CKPC Brantford ON | NA |
1390 | 15.09 | 0000 | WEGP Presque Isle ME | NA |
1400 | 14.09 | 2358 | CBG Gander NL | NA |
1420 | 15.09 | 0104 | WHK Cleveland OH | NA |
1460 | 15.09 | 0108 | KXNO Des Moines IA | NA |
1460 | 15.09 | 0014 | CJOY Guelph ON | NA |
1470 | 15.09 | 0032 | WMBD Peoria IL | NA |
1470 | 15.09 | 0046 | WBKV West Bend WI | NA |
1480 | 15.09 | 0141 | WLMV Madison WI | NA |
1480 | 15.09 | 0101 | WHBC Canton OH | NA |
1480 | 15.09 | 0030 | WGVU Kentwood MI | NA |
1500 | 15.09 | 0032 | WLQV Detroit MI | NA |
1510 | 15.09 | 0100 | WAUK Waukesha WI | NA |
1520 | 15.09 | 0100 | WWKB Buffalo NY | NA |
1540 | 15.09 | 0132 | KXEL Waterloo IA | NA |
1540 | 15.09 | 0100 | CHIN Toronto ON | NA |
1550 | 15.09 | 0059 | CBE Windsor ON | NA |
1560 | 15.09 | 0042 | WQEW New York NY | NA |
1580 | 15.09 | 0032 | CKDO Oshawa ON | NA |
1600 | 15.09 | 0016 | WAAM Ann Arbor MI | NA |
1161 | 19.09 | 1705 | 5AN ABC Naracoorte SA | OC |
1233 | 19.09 | 1640 | 2NC ABC Newcastle NSW | OC |
1503 | 19.09 | 1605 | 2BS Gold Bathurst NSW | OC |
1512 | 19.09 | 1605 | 2RN ABC Newcastle NSW | OC |
1548 | 19.09 | 1540 | 4QD ABC Emerald QLD | OC |
Saturday, October 06, 2007
PMA Micronesia 4755 Heard
On MW very boring and auroral conditions today.